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Immigration application

Misrepresentation and Its Effects on Immigration Applications


According to Canadian immigration law, people who want to move to Canada need to be fair and honest more than ever because Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is getting better at finding people who have been dishonest, fraud and misrepresented immigration activities thus blocking Canadian immigration applications from entering the country as per the latest Canadian immigration law.

From 2015 to 2019, the number of temporary residence applications turned down because of falsified events rose from 6,673 to 26,982 in the misrepresentation category. This number is only likely to increase as Canada and other countries share more information and artificial intelligence which is used to find misrepresented Immigration applications.

Know about Misrepresentation

Section 40 of Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which is the law that governs Canadian immigration law, says that a permanent resident or a foreign national can’t come to Canada if they get dishonest or hide important facts about a relevant matter in a way that causes or could cause an error in the way Canada’s immigration programs are run, specifically in a legal context.

If you rely on the misrepresentation of Canadian immigration application, you won’t be able to go there for straight five years which means the person can’t apply for permanent residency in Canada during those five years. In addition, if someone is already in Canada and is not allowed to be there, they will be sent out of the country shortly. The Federal Court of Canada has said a few important things about how the legal idea of misrepresentation in Canadian Immigration.

Exponential Rise in Misrepresentation

Based on a review of Federal Court case law, it looks like there are three areas where misrepresentation is becoming a more common problem.

  • Firstly, about matters of fraud marriages in the open spouse work permit program.
  • Secondly, when immigration lawyers or consultants make a mistake on an application for a client, and the client does not read the application before signing it. A case of gross negligence in the process of reviewing implies here.
  • Thirdly, the most prominent reason for the rise in “misrepresentation” findings is that applicants don’t confess the prior visa refusal from any country including Canada. It is evident to witness the miscommunicated facts by the applicant when they’ve been denied a visa, either by Canada or another country.

As it has always been, reviewing every question and being thorough is the best way to ensure a Canadian immigration application is processed smoothly and there is no space in the room for any kind of misrepresentation.

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